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I started playing the violin, through The Suzuki Method, when I was 5 years old. This gave me a love of violin playing that has impacted my whole life and I desire to pass this joy onto others.
As a teenager I started playing the viola and went on to learn the cello too.
I gained Grade 8 violin, Grade 8 viola, Grade 6 cello and Grade 5 piano.


In 1991 I completed a Bachelor of Education degree specialising in Music Education and I have  Qualified Teacher Status.

I am a Suzuki Violin Level 3 teacher.


I have taught in primary schools from 1992- 2015, teaching music and other curriculum areas as well as teaching the violin as an after-school activity.

I have a current DBS certificate and have worked with the Warwickshire County Music service teaching at the Warwickshire Suzuki Group Workshops.

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